The following assertions and higher-order assertions (HOA) are identified from the above discussion:
9.55 Metacognitive experiences (metacognitive judgments and metacognitive feelings) include feeling of familiarity, feeling of difficulty, feeling of confidence, feeling of satisfaction, judgment or estimate of effort expenditure, and judgment or estimate of solution correctness. (HOA.50)
9.57 Metacognitive feelings facilitate the awareness of ‘fluency or interruption’ in cognitive processing and the connection or disparity between the task goals and actual outcome. (HOA.51)
9.59 Feeling of familiarity involves the monitoring of task familiarity and context, and the applicability of current knowledge.
9.60 Feeling of difficulty involves awareness and monitoring of task difficulty, impediments to problem solving.
9.61 Feeling of difficulty facilitates the identification of correction strategies or the need to develop new strategies.
9.62 Feeling of satisfaction involves monitoring problem solutions as to whether they meet personal standards of achievement or outcomes.
9.63 Feeling of confidence relates to the outcome of problem solving including whether the solution is correct, can involve levels of confidence including under and overconfidence.
9.64 Judgment of solution correctness and feeling of confidence are influenced by the person variable including beliefs about cognitive ability and self-concept.
9.65 Feeling of confidence is influenced by task complexity, lack of domain knowledge and lack of strategic task specific knowledge.
See other related assertions on page 175 in the book The Taxonomy of Metacognition.